Strawberries are a delicate fruit that require specific temperatures to maintain their freshness. According to Steve Statler, a Food safety expert at tech platform Wiliot’s Ambient IoT, the quality of strawberries sold in stores has declined in recent years. Statler found that the best strawberries are often found in backyard gardens or small fruit markets. He noted that store-bought strawberries often lack flavor and quickly spoil.

Ambient IoT’s wireless tracking labels, equipped with heat sensing technology and Bluetooth and 5G connectivity, can help companies monitor the temperature and humidity of produce throughout the supply chain. This technology is particularly beneficial for preserving the quality of strawberries, which are susceptible to quick deterioration due to their soft and fragile nature.

The labels can track the life cycle of strawberries, flagging any instances where the fruit has been exposed to unfavorable conditions. This technology is also being used to enhance traceability and monitor the risk of Foodborne illnesses in produce. While the International Fresh Produce Association has shown interest in these labels, Wiliot is currently focusing on collaborating with grocers to improve the handling of fresh produce and drive change in the industry.


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